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Where can I buy Grantham Gingerbread?

You can buy Grantham Gingerbread right here on the Grantham Gingerbread website. But if you just cannot wait for the postman to deliver these amazing biscuits, you can look out for them at local stores.

Want to help us grow? If you know of an outlet near to where you live that you think should be selling Grantham Gingerbread, let us know and we will get in touch with them.

 Want to become a re-seller?

Are you a delicatessen, farm shop, hotel, restaurant, shop, visitor attraction or business in the hospitality industry wanting to stock a world famous gingerbread biscuit?

Well you have come to the right place.

We are now stocking and supplying restaurants, food stores, farm shops, delicatessen and retailers across the country with Grantham Gingerbread and our speciality soft Hawkens Gingerbread men. 

Whatever your requirements get in touch with us straight away. You can do that by email or telephone.

Telephone:- 01476 501740